Orthopaedic therapy emphasizes an evidence-based practice to treat the musculoskeletal system after surgery or injury, including muscles, tendons, bones, and ligaments. Our therapists specialize in examining movement patterns, posture, and gait mechanics to evaluate and treat patients both preventively and post-injury. The goal of our orthopaedic therapy team is to collaborate with your physician and get you back to what you love to do!
Treatment/Procedure: Orthopaedic Therapy
Conditions Related to Orthopaedic Therapy
UAMS Health providers care for a broad range of conditions, some of which may not be listed below.
Providers Performing or Prescribing Orthopaedic Therapy
Note that every provider listed below may not perform or prescribe Orthopaedic Therapy for all conditions related to it. Review each provider for availability.
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Locations Providing Orthopaedic Therapy
Note that Orthopaedic Therapy may not be performed at every location listed below. The list may include locations where the treatment plan is developed during and after a patient visit.
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Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Clinic in Fayetteville
201 W. Van Asche Loop
Fayetteville, AR 72703
- Appointment Phone Number
- 479-966-4491
New and Returning Patients

Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Clinic in Lowell
507 W. Monroe Ave.
Suite A
Lowell, AR 72745
- Appointment Phone Number
- 479-334-7030
New and Returning Patients

Orthopaedic Clinic on Colonel Glenn
10815 Colonel Glenn Road
Suite 500
Little Rock, AR 72204
- Appointment Phone Numbers
- 501-526-1046
New Patients - 501-406-9201
Returning Patients
Areas of Expertise for Orthopaedic Therapy

Physical Therapy (Part of Rehabilitation and Therapy Services)
At UAMS Health, our physical therapists use the latest equipment, methods and exercises, providing one-of-a-kind treatment plans to adults of all ages.

Sports Medicine (Part of Orthopaedics)
From the beginner to the weekend warrior or senior athlete, all skill levels can benefit from our services to help you heal and get back to your activities.