Jaicey Dowd, RN -H4- Trauma/SICU/CVICU
Please join the Center for Nursing Excellence in congratulating Jaicey Dowd, RN for being selected as the DAISY Award recipient for the month of July!
Jaicey works on unit H4- Trauma/SICU/CVICU and was nominated by a patient. The nomination below reflects how Jaicey impacted their life in a very special way.
I was lucky enough to be placed under Jaicey’s care after a motor vehicle accident that left me with a fractured cervical vertebrae and paralysis. I was very disoriented, and my anxiety was bordering on panic. Jaicey took a huge portion of her time to stay by my side, comforting and orientation me for the two days I was on her unit. She took the time to communicate with my wife about my changing condition and the operation I was having multiple times a day, far more than could be expected of her. She even took the time to make a bun out of my beard so it wouldn’t get shaved off in the OR! I really can’t put into words the relief I felt knowing she was my nurse during that rough time, she helped me through it more than I can adequately describe. I’m a nurse myself and experiencing the level of empathy and care Jaicey displayed motivates me to meet that same standard of care for my own patients. She really is an angel and a huge asset to UAMS.
Great job, Jaicey!