Our hepatobiliary surgical team provides expert, multidisciplinary surgical care to patients with tumors in the liver, liver cysts, and benign and malignant strictures of the bile ducts by approaching them not only surgically, but also with close alliance with gastroenterologists subspecialized in liver diseases and medical oncologists who review the cases to tailor the approach one patient at a time.
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We started this new program to take care of patients with liver, pancreas, gallbladder and bile duct problems called the HPB program here. It’s the only one of its kind in the state of Arkansas. It’s multi-disciplinary. We have many different services taking care of these patients particularly surgery, transplant surgery, advanced gastroenterology and interventional radiology as well as general gastroenterology are all involved in taking care of these patients and the real unique part of it is that we all work together. We have our own tumor board to discuss these patients and we really think through what’s best. Once they’re referred into our service then they’re seen initially by usually one of the surgical oncologists or the transplant surgeons where we will evaluate what the pathology is, what additional treatments or testing we may need to get and then a lot of times we will discuss these patients at our specialty tumor board which includes patients only with these pathologies and there we have the advanced gastroenterologists, the interventional radiologists, you know other surgeons, everyone together so that we can really think through how we can optimally treat these patients with all of our skill sets.