Why Donate?
Arkansas has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the nation. Decreased breastfeeding is one of the most notable — and most easily changed — factors driving this trend.
We want our newborns to have the healthiest start in life possible. That means they need their mother’s milk. This is especially important for premature babies and other fragile newborns who often struggle to live.
Milk banks collect milk from mothers who produce more than their own baby needs and then screen, pasteurize, and test the milk according to FDA guidelines and standards set forth by the Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA).
Future Goals
Your gift will help us accomplish these goals and much more

Develop a Breastfeeding and Lactation Medicine Clinic
This clinic will be a space for direct patient care and teaching/training for lactation providers of all levels in our communities.

Support for Community Outreach Programs
We want to educate community members on the importance of breastfeeding and provide lactation resources for families.

Additional Space
We would like to develop spaces for breastfeeding classes, infant safety classes and education for students and medical providers.

Bereavement Support Program Development
This would include grief counseling training, breast pump rentals, breastfeeding support and memorials.