Cheryl A. Creger, RD Dietitian
Primary Appointment Location
Family Medical CenterĀ in Little Rock
521 Jack Stephens Drive
First floor
Little Rock, AR 72205
- Appointment Phone Number
- 501-686-6560
New and Returning Patients
- Accepting New Patients
- Yes (Referral Required)
- Provides Second Opinion
- Yes
- Patient Type
- Adults
- Language
- English

Cheryl A. Creger's Academic Background
Education and Training
- Undergraduate Education
- University of Arkansas
Bachelor of Science in Human Environmental Sciences with an emphasis in Food, Human Nutrition, and Hospitality, Dietetics Option - Internship
- University of Oklahoma - Health Sciences Center
Dietetic Internship
Locations Where Cheryl A. Creger Practices

Family Medical CenterĀ in Little Rock , Primary Location
521 Jack Stephens Drive
First floor
Little Rock, AR 72205
- Appointment Phone Number
- 501-686-6560
New and Returning Patients

Cancer Nutrition Clinic
449 Jack Stephens Drive
UAMS Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute
Patient Support Pavilion
Little Rock, AR 72205
- Appointment Phone Number
- 501-526-6477
New and Returning Patients

Orthopaedic ClinicĀ on ColonelĀ Glenn
10815 Colonel Glenn Road
Suite 500
Little Rock, AR 72204
- Appointment Phone Numbers
- 501-526-1046
New Patients - 501-406-9201
Returning Patients